



ed 953

Event February 9, 2021
"Nukes are now illegal!
Now out of Germany!"

On Tuesday, February 9th, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., a rally took place in the pedestrian zone of Wilmersdorfer Strasse in Berlin Charlottenburg. We informed about the UN Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty, which came into force on January 22nd, 2021,  and collected signatures for the appeal by ICAN and IPPNW.

In front of a large billboard "Nukes are now illegal! Now out of Germany!" we took photo and videos.


Hier Kommentare einiger der Unterstützer der Aktionen:

Bahman Azad, Executive Secretary, U.S. Peace Council, New York
“Please add U.S. Peace Council next to Roger Waters as a supporter of the campaign. It is time for the global anti-nuclear weapons movement and the peace movement and join hands to eliminate this threat to the whole humanity.”

David Swanson, Executive Director of World BEYOND War
I wouldn't let a neighborhood thief hide in my basement, and Germany shouldn't let the United States keep nuclear weapons on its land. Collaborating in an outrage can appear shameful many years later; we must find the wisdom to see it as shameful while it's happening, and put an end to it.

Ekkehard Lentz, Sprecher Bremer Friedensforum

The Bremen Peace Forum supports the new large-format advertising against US nuclear weapons in Germany and the USA (World Beyond War) on the occasion of the entry into force of the UN Nuclear Weapons Treaty on January 22
Bannerkampagne zum Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag (

Mauro Valderrama, Lehrer, Berlin
Nukes out of Germany

Gregor Putensen, Hochschullehrer i. R., Greifswald

Despite the ignorance of power politics on the part of NATO and the EU and, in particular, of the states possessing nuclear weapons, regarding the survival requirement of nuclear disarmament, this treaty is a valuable means of pressure under international law that the majority of humanity can invoke. In the long run, the ruling states that refuse to disarm will not be able to evade this demand - be it at the cost of global self-destruction.

Dietrich Antelmann, Diplomkameralist, Berlin

Two world wars are enough. 
There must not be a possible third world war waged with nukes!

Elsa Rassbach, Berlin, Filmemacherin, Journalistin, Friedensaktivistin
A strong symbol that brings hope when people and governments are motivated to comply with international law.

Gunnar Silberborth, Rentner, Pforzheim
Why are they still legal!

Gregor Glass, Eberswalde
Once, a Russian missile defense soldier saved us from a nuclear war because of a false alarm.
Again we shouldn't give the devil a chance!

Klaus Ried, München
Argentina decides: the richest have to pay a third of the corona costs. Spain and Bolivia are now also financing their fight against the crisis with new taxes on the wealthy.

Helmut Kohlmann, Rentner/Agraring., Hagenow
After 2 world wars, Germany should actually be the first country to sign. 30 years after the withdrawal of the Soviet Army, it is overdue to disband all US bases in Germany.

Susanne Ute Christine Breitenbach, Berlin
Instead of showing off with the annihilation of mankind, the threat of extermination is no longer an issue! Yes, thanks to ICAN, the "I will exterminate" threat is finally embarrassing. Costing far too much pain and suffering (has never brought anything)

Helga Tempel, Ahrensburg

Germany's signature is overdue

Elke Zwinge-Makamizile, Berlin
US nuclear weapons out of Büchel and termination of the troop stationing contract to dissolve ALL US military bases in Germany

Siegfried Rückert, Ing.(grad)/OStR.l.iR., Emden
As a small child I experienced World War II and as a refugee the post-war period.
I don't want to see anything like that anymore.

Wolf Göhring, Bonn
70 years after the Stockholm appeal, this ban is overdue. A very BIG THANKS to everyone who collected signatures for the roll call despite being in prison. The appeal read:
    “We demand an absolute ban on the nuclear weapon as a weapon of terror and the mass destruction of the population.
   We demand the establishment of strict international controls to ensure the implementation of the ban.
    We believe that the first government to use nuclear weapons against any country is committing a crime against humanity and should be treated as a war criminal.
    We call on all people of the world who are of good will to sign this appeal. "

Werner Lutz, 2100 KünstlerInnen gegen Rechts

Elisabeth Blättner, München
the earth is our mother, we must take care of her.

Gottfried Karenovics, Waldorflehrer i. R. für Chemie, Technologie, IT, Dortmund
Nuclear weapons are criminal in every respect. They are means of mass destruction that do not give the attacker any military advantage. Because what should a conqueror do with a country completely contaminated by radioactivity? No, they are exclusively terrorist weapons and their use is absolutely contrary to the concept of humanity.
That is why I also condemn the Bundeswehr's request to equip their jet planes with American atomic bombs. The term "nuclear participation" is highly reprehensible!

Wolfgang Nick, Nürnberg
wonderful, we need such campaigns more and more!

Wolfgang Lieberknecht, Friedensarbeiter, Wanfried
The nuclear doomsday clock stands at 100 minutes to twelve. In the past few decades we have repeatedly escaped nuclear war not through political force, but by sheer luck. Perhaps this UN initiative is our last chance. But this will certainly also require international disarmament, understanding and building trust. This campaign can also move us forward by promoting civil society unity across all borders.

Norbert G. Suchanek & Marcia Gomes de Oliveira, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien

Irmgard Pehle, Herford
War is a crime against humanity. I am therefore determined not to support any kind of war and to work to eliminate all causes of war.

Brigitte Queck, Dipl.Staatswissenschaftlerin Außenpolitik, Potsdam

Germany does not need nuclear weapons, because nuclear weapons irrevocably kill people, animals and the environment! But also no small scale nuclear weapons - Depleted Uranium Weapons - which the USA / NATO TONS OF TONS USED IN WAR ZONES AND ARE DESIGNED BY THEM AS CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS !!!

Karl-Heinz Totzauer, Berlin
Nuclear waste out of Europe; FRG; POLAND; Ukraine and up to the Ural !!!

Dr. Carolus Wimmer, Caracas, Venezuela
Abgeordneter, Lateinamerikanisches Parlament,
Sekretär für Internationales der KP Venezuelas,

Vorsitzender des Venezolanischen Friedenskomittee COSI
(Comité de Solidaridad Internacional y Lucha por la Paz)

I worked on the subject of nuclear weapons in two areas. Partly in the Latin American Parliament, where Latin America was declared a "nuclear-weapon-free zone" by unanimous decision. Partly in the Venezuelan peace committee COSI. It's a difficult subject, but all the more urgent. Venceremos! Solidaridad Internacional y Lucha por la Paz


Peter P. Hoppe, Wachenheim
Compared to nuclear weapons, the corona virus appears like a temporary, slight irritation. Nuclear weapons lead to lasting, grave suffering. They should be banned and abolished worldwide!

Ursula Mathern, Merxheim
Germany can no longer refuse this real progress!

Heinrich Fecher, Lehrerausbilder i.R., Rodgau-Jügesheim

Necessary initiative because the german government is blind about militarization.

Maureen Schwalke, Mitglied der Bezirksversammlung Hamburg-Mitte, Die Linke
Weapons of mass destruction and nuclear weapons must be outlawed and destroyed!
It is perverse to design weapons that can and should kill millions of people, like in  Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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